Wilkerson, Richard Catlett (1998 Winter/Spring). Dream Sharing In Cyberspace Continues. Updates, Events and Horizons. Dream Time Cyberphile. Dream Time 15(1&2).

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Dream Sharing In Cyberspace Continues

Updates, Events and Horizons

For some time we have been relying on the generosity of Grant McEwan College to host our Web site. But we really need our own domain so that the site is portable from server to server. What the heck am I talking about? Find our about our new domain in the UPDATE section.

Princess Diana dreams online: more mass media or symbolic exchange? The usefulness of the idea of a collective consciousness or collective unconscious is continually questioned. But the idea of a public realm is commonly accepted and with the rise of mass media, there is now a kind of global public sphere. Does the mediation of reality leads to the interconnectedness of a global village or an isolated existence in a simulated media event? Read about the sharing of Diana dreams online and how they contribute to this debate in the EVENTS section.

Have you been wondering where all this Internet and dream stuff is going? So have many individuals in ASD. Several have decided to develop some long term plans on how to use this new channel of communication. Jeremy Taylor, Kelly Bulkeley , Roger Ripert and others have been exploring the possibilities of a Global Dream Congress 2000. The topics will include dream art, healing and spirituality, among others. You can get involved in this project now by reading more in the HORIZON section.

UPDATE: www.ASDreams.org

Please note our new ASD Web Address/URL and update your hot lists! We now have our own Internet domain, www.ASDreams.org (Preferred style)

which can be written or used as above or www.asdreams.org or WWW.ASDREAMS.ORG

Thanks Jayne. Cyber-Dream Titan Jayne Gackenbach will be leaving the ASD Web management to me, but she will still head the Electronic Committee and is as active online as ever. Jayne is editing a book on the psychology of the Internet for Academic Press, preparing a related course for online delivery and contributing a global brain chapter to a book on consciousness, among other activities. I have put summary on the Web site of how she brought ASD online, but I would like to briefly thank her here for designing and giving birth to this project. What is even more amazing was the speed with which this site was approved, designed and put online in time for the 1996 conference. Also, thanks to Grant MacEwan College for hosting our site since 1995.

Why the move? 1. We need direct access to our site to quickly upgrade and modify new pages and programs. 2. We need to be able to move our site around to various hosts as we please without our address continually changing. On the Internet, each site has a unique address and host. Ours was www.outreach.org/gmcc/asd/ at Grant MacEwan, If we had moved the site to another host without having our own domain name, say at www.yale.edu/asd at Yale, we would lose all the referencing and indexing and links to our site, or just a bad, leave a trial of "Moved To" links. With our own domain name, www.ASDreams.org, we can move to whatever host we want without any fuss or complex technical and index coding. The name will always be ours, independent of our host. We will have to leave "moved to" links at Grant MacEwan, but that will be the last time.

ASD Web - What's New? For the next year I will mostly be finishing up the programs Jayne started and implementing some of the ideas she began with various departments at ASD. These include: 1. Having our gallery art on the main page, a new piece displayed each month. 2. Working with Dream Time to provide more public material online. 3. Interfacing with the ASD Journal, providing more material and developing interactive events between the contributors. 4. Developing a system to allow people online to shop for our products, such as tapes, conference material and backissues of publications. If you have more ideas, send them in.

Also, I will be including on the site each month an update in the section "What's New?". Here you will be able to find out what new interesting links and dream projects are online, what new material is available and how to get involved in the ASD online community.

One project I will be developing over the next few years an ASD FAQ file on dreams and dreaming. FAQ, or frequently asked questions, is the common way sites on the Net field repetitive questions and offer paths to deeper research and education for those not familiar with the field or topic in the field. Jayne and I have to respond to the same questions over and over, what is dreaming, why do we dream, do we dream in color, what is lucid dreaming, what do I do about nightmares, what does my dream mean, how do I conduct research on dreaming, and so on. As primary and secondary schools connect, ASD will be one of the main sources for the first level of response to questions about dreams and dreaming. We have an excellent beginning with our informational pamphlets and great channels of education in our publications and conferences. An FAQ file will bridge these areas, expanding and organizing the information in ways that work for the Internet. Being an organization that holds such diverse opinions may work in our favor in developing a fair and multi-disciplined document. It will also allow us to more deeply examine, communicate and unfold our goals and mission statement.

ASD Online Volunteer Program & Training Offer. Our site has many areas that could use more personal attention. These include being a host on the interactive message boards, answering questions on dreaming, designing and re-designing web pages, interfacing with conferences and a whole host of other activities. If you are interested in getting involved but just don't know anything about the Internet, I will teach you. You will get an insiders view of the Net, learn all the tricks of online communication and even learn how to develop your own web site.

If you have more ideas for ASD online, the Web site or would like to joinig the volunteer program, drop me a line.


EVENTS : Dreams of Princess Diana

The French cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard (1) has suggested we are living in a era that is less and less real. Borrowing from media theorist Marshall McLuhan, he observes how we move through more and more events with the help of mass media. The ancient realities of plague, war, starvation, poverty and even celebration now take place via the six o'clock news and the National Inquirer. We didn't see the Mars land-rover land, but many people now think that the simulation of the landing was the real experience. Thus we shift towards living in representations and simulations of reality. Baudrillard feels that we have even begun to prefer the simulated hyper-reality and no longer really care whether it represents something else.

Nowhere is this question of mediated reality more hotly debated than in Cyberspace, a space that Baudrillard feels just accelerates this process of things becoming hyper-real. Yet the counter balance to this proliferation of signs is the slower process of interactive symbolic exchange and personal subject-to-subject interactivity, which the Internet can also facilitate. During the global frenzy surrounding the death of Princess Diana, personal interactive exchanges began to emerge online in the background of the flash of photo shoots. Among the many other interesting cultural objects that we exchanged, dreams of the event and Diana began to appear.(3) As William Domhoff has noted, (2) this is really statistically unexpected. Summarizing data from Calvin Hall, Domhoff tells a story of when Hall was collecting dreams during the explosion of the first two atomic bombs in Japan. The dreams of the students had no atomic bombs, but continued to be about personal concerns. Domhoff goes on to say that this further indicates how deeply personal our involvement really was with Diana.

The exchange of dreams of collective or public events also brings up the possibility of some very interesting research & self-discovery being conducted via the Net. Not only are there sociological and anthropological patternings worth exploring, but also the boundaries of the personal and public, and/or the individual and collective. In dream groups online, the interpretive tendency is to abstract and make metaphors of inner famous figures. But with the event still happening around us, there is a pull towards alternative processing.

One woman (3) noted that she couldn't process her personal grief about Diana due to the constant bombardment of news media events, which she couldn't resist watching. Whether one is interested in healing and psychotherapy or exploring dream sharing for self discovery and enhancement, the realm of mediated public-private experience will be a growing concern for you. Just exactly what roles the dream can play in this new public sphere is not yet clear, but summarizing from the experience of the online dream sharing community, I can say that dreams seemed to function in slow down the media bombardment and allow time for more in depth processing. Perhaps the cultural negligence of dreams (it's just a dream) has served to fashion dreams as a cultural object that resists commodification & obvious use value, allowing them to function in another realm. Even if this is going to far in speculative theorizing, it is at least clear to me that talking about dreams of current events helps me to slow down the effect of the media blitz. And also, that this dream exchange could not have taken place before the Net. Like most of our inventions and technology, more comes through the door we open than first planned. My hope is that more dream researchers will begin exploring the processing of public events via dream sharing.

HORIZON Planetary Dreaming

In preparation for the 2000 Dream Congress and the Alcheringa (a series of five planetary dreams which will lead us in the aboriginal Australian land in the year 2000) Roger Ripert and The French Magazine Oniros continue to sponsor online planning and events.

For example, the first planetary dream event was a globally incubated dream theme. The planetary dream was made up with all the dreams the participants have had during the 1996 winter solstice's night. Those dreams were inspired by a theme: "Dream and Law" which was distributed around the world to the participants. The dreams were released on a web site with summaries and associations by participants.


These and other focus programs will continue through the year 2000, providing support and direction for the Global Dream Congress.

Meetings on Internet, via the IRC program (Internet Relay Chat)are usually on the network FR.Undernet.org or the Undernet server. For more information, email oniros@club-internet.fr or by postal mail : Oniros, BP 30, 93451 Ile Saint-Denis, France.

Oniros Web: http://perso.club-internet.fr/oniros/index.htm EASD Web: http://perso.club-internet.fr/oniros/EASD/


1. Baudrillard, Jean (1983). Simulations. Translated by Paul Foss, Paul Patton & Philip Beitchman. New York, NY: Semiotext(e).

2. Domhoff, William G. (1997). Dream Content Analysis Princess Diana: A Phone Interview conducted by Richard Wilkerson , September 26, 1997. See the updated content analysis web site and DreamSAT spreadsheet at http://zzyx.ucsc.edu/~dreams/

3. Wilkerson, Richard C. (1997 -Sep). Dreams And Princess Diana. A collection of dreams and articles on Princess Diana. Electric Dreams, volume 4 issue 9 <www.dreamgate.com/dream/ed-backissues/ed4-9.htm> (Sept 29, 1997).

This article may be slightly altered from its original form on the ASD Newsletter to conform to Web Format.