DreamGate & Electric Dreams
Present Dream Bibs


Dream Bibliographies

Collected  Dream Text Bibliographies

The following is collection of bibliographies of dream researchers, clinicians, dreamworkers, anthropologists and other dream concerned individuals and groups.

Some are lifetime collections of personal research, while others are more general collections covering dream texts and publications in many areas.


Collected Bibliographies 


Association for the Study of Dreams Bibliographies
  • ASD Online Short List of Texts on Dreams Association for the Study of Dreams 
  • ASD Long List of Dream Texts ASD has prepared a list of books suggested by various ASD members, covering a wide range of dream topics. An effort has been made to make the list inclusive, and therefore some of the books are currently out of print. However, most are available in large libraries.
  • ASD Journal Bibliography Published by Human Sciences Press, this bibliography of articles extends back to vol 1(1) 1991.
  • ASD Newsletter Bibliography Newsletter articles extending back to 1993.
  • CONFERENCE SYMPOSIUM TAPES Audio Cassette Tapes. 1985-1995 ASD Conferences
  • Dream Related Film Reviews from ASD Newsletter reviews.
Recommended Intro Dream Books From  Jill Gregory 
Lucid Dreaming Researcher's Bibliography
A extensive review of lucid dream research, articles and books by Drs.Carolus.M. den Blanken. 
Keith Hearne (1st Ph.D. In Lucid Dreaming) Lucidity Bibliography From the thesis:
Hearne, K. (1978) Lucid dreams - an electro-physiological and psychological study. PhD thesis. Dept. of Psychology,
University of Liverpool, England (May 1978).

Robert L Van de Castle Researcher Bibliography
A wonderful collection of Dream texts, literature, research, books and magazine articles. Hundreds of references. 
Michael Schredl's Updated Researcher Bibliography
An updated collection (1996)of wonderful Dream texts, literature, books and magazine articles. Hundreds of references and special focus on Dream Research. 
DreamGate Dream Texts Collection
A collected Bibliography on hundreds of dream publications - Lots of dreams in chapters of other books as well as extensive journal listing on the use of dreams and dreams & anthropology. Collected By Richard Wilkerson 
The DreamGate Dream Anthropology Collection
A collected bibliography on anthropology and dreams references in books and journals by the Director of DreamGate,
Richard Wilkerson
Linda Magallon Dream Psi Archive
This Dream Psi Archive is dedicated to extraordinary dreams. It features information on mutual, lucid, psychic, creative, psionic and flying dreams as well as related phenonmena. It supports the dream projects and activities of the Fly-By-Night Club. 
Dream Network Article Index
1982- 1990 . H. Roberta Ossana, Publisher/Editor of Dream Network Journal has provided an extensive list of DreamNet articles. 
The Dream and the Enlightenment:
An international collection of references to texts on dreams from the enlightenment. A wonderful research tool. 
Dreamlink's Bibliographies : Books, Periodicals, Articles


Personal Bibliographies and Publications



Bibilographies of Dream Researchers and Personal Publications in Dreams and Dreaming

  Domhoff, William G. collection spans 1963 - 1993

Fiss, Harry collection spans 1959 - 1993

Gabel, Stewart collection spans 1985 - 1983

Gackenbach, Jayne collection spans 1975- 1996

Hartmann, Ernest Many decades of research in dreams and dreaming, 285 entries

Reed, Henry Collection Spans 1973 - 1995

Kramer, Milton   Several Decades of Dream & Sleep Research, over 30 pages.

States, Bert O. collection spans 1978 - 1994

Wilkerson, Richard Catlett   Collection spans 1985 - 2001

How to site online references : An ASD Help Forum for Researchers

For more dream & dreaming Resources, try The Electric Dreams & DreamGate Dream Resources Page, The Electric Dreams Cyber-Library and the Electric Dreams/DreamGate Club House Dreams/DreamGate Club House


In the Winter of 1995, Richard Wilkerson sent out a call to Dream researchers for personal bibliographies to be made available on the Net. The  DreamGate Dream Research Project began with a generous response of bibliographies, but it was soon clear that updating and collection was an project best handled by each individual rather than at single location. 

Although the distributed approach is best for the care and maintenance of bibliographies, there is still a use for a single directory to the individual collections. At least for awhile. Eventually the Online search engines will be able to handle this task.  

In the meantime...  

To respond to this need, this page is available for individuals to send in their URL's of personal and collected Bibliographies on Dreams and Dreaming, and begin getting them in digital form. 

Please post the URL or Net address of your personal bibliographies to
The ASD Bulletin Board

Questions? contact Richard Wilkerson, rcwilk@dreamgate.com  

Page Courtesy of DreamGate Page design, Richard Wilkerson - rcwilk@dreamgate.com